Ty-Isha Farm, Bonvilston, Vale of Glamorgan, CF5 6TS

Valuations and reports

Our partners and associates are trained to use the latest data to ensure that we provide an accurate current market value of your property and will advise on what you can do to maximise your property value.

Images, videography, and floorplans

We are passionate about creating the best opportunity to promote your property, we create enhanced digital imagery, videography and 360 virtual tours along with 3D floorplans so potential buyers can chose a suitable match.


Along with our outstanding property brochures we have developed a robust marketing strategy to promote your property via social media and through the traditional property portals.

Viewings and negotiations

We combine the latest tech to ensure streamline systems for arranging viewings with 24hr online booking request through our website or app or booking directly with our sales team. Offers are dealt with personally with your partner agent.

Sales progression

Once the sale has been agreed our skilled sales progression team will work with all parties involved in the process and will give you regular updates on the progression of your sale.


Our fees are transparent and affordable with low-cost marketing packages and just 0.75% commission on ‘no sale no fee’ basis.

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